Cleaning Assessment (Confidential Client)


How clean is clean?

由于生物负荷读数过高和视觉故障,我们的客户继续未能通过清洁验证. 我们调查并确定了根本原因:糟糕的管道设计, low cleaning velocities, and dead-legs in the system.

Several options were presented for review; ultimately, 设计并实施了商定的方法. 调试后,首次清洗验证顺利通过.

We were contracted to perform a facility audit, 其次是一个项目的概念和详细设计,以解决问题和安装项目的调试.

  • 进行设施审核以确定系统故障问题
  • 向客户提供了几种方案,并设计和实现了选择的解决方案
  • New system passed on first-time post-commissioning

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